Tuesday, May 22, 2007


sometimes, no matter what you do it'll never be enough. not if you've done too much to lose that trust.

i wonder... why it could be easy for someone to just ask you to step aside. to close the door for awhile behind you, leaving you the feeling that you can't do anything there. yes... that's it. there's just nothing you can do. what can i do then? oh right. leave in silence and shut up.

that's what i hate actually, times where you do decide to speak up but it makes things worst. tell me not to feel insecure when you thought you've said something right but ended up being shut.

i just had to let this all out for a while. i don't have my usual friend to talk too. she's out of town. so i really have no one but this. maybe i'd shut off the comment board as well? just to keep the game rolling? but no. i don't really know what i want. just some sense, and some importance, acknowledgement, and appreciation. nothing more. oh yeah... and real trust. sigh...

till later.

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