Friday, July 6, 2007

Taking Chances

fine! i can't take it anymore... i decided to sacrifice my phone bills for a while to make way for my annoying craving to buy myself a gadget that i'd appreciate. so, yeah... fingers crossed i took my chances on ordering online for a cheap 1g iPod nano with expandable memory.

well... i know i can never afford the real deal because if i do get to save enough for it (the original stuff) i'd probably end up keeping the money instead. haha! hmm... i don't know if i made the right decision but i'm known to jump into deep waters, so there! i'd face the consequences after. i always do.

:( i just hope its not that bad... looks fine anyway.

just doing some rants...

now... if i could only find that second hand 12in laptop and a connection that would get it for me... that would be my next target. i hate craving for things! it drives me nuts!!!! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

san yan? gusto ko rin.. gano ka-mura? hehe